SMS Campaigns

Leveraging the power of the digital device

In a world where tech devices have outnumbered humans, you can rest assured that every person you need to target, has a mobile phone in their hands, 90% of their waking time. And if you can’t get them to come to you, perhaps you can reach them where they are with a simple text message that demands their immediate attention.

Quick and direct contact Mobile

marketing is ideal for offers that are time-bound like 50% off on limited items today or rush to the nearest store to get a hold of a premium collection running out, or attend an event this evening, etc.

It is the directness and responsiveness of mobile marketing that gives it an edge over traditional media for marketing.

How We Can Help

Create user engagement:
We know how to maximize user engagement through SMS campaigns. Wrapping your message in enticing words, adding links that demand instant clicking and highlighting offers that are too hard for them to refuse.
It also offers quick engagement, as most SMS texts are read within minutes of being received.

Supporting your email strategy:
When done simultaneously, email and SMS marketing can produce astonishing results. While SMS drives engagement with a short text, email has the advantage of more length and description, to rope the customers in.

Online Sellers / E-commerce websites:
From sending promotional campaigns, discount offers and more, to confirming orders placed, tracking information and payment received messages, you can increase user engagement manifold with SMS.

Travel-related businesses:
Travelers require real-time information when on the go. While email updates may take time to be read, you can surely make your company look more credible and concerned for customers with a strong SMS campaign.